Aptrad’s 1st International Conference - Pick of the week
Aptrad’s 1st International Conference
Conference for freelance translators and interpreters 18-19 June, 2016 - Porto, Portugal
Thank you for having joined us in Porto for Aptrad’s 1st International Conference! See you in 2018!
Pick of the week

Have you been sitting for too long and need a stretch? At APTRAD, we think of everything! During the conference, you can give your muscles a well-deserved stretch with Francesca!



Pick of the week

Our colleague Carla Sousa has sent us a wonderful teaser of her presentation. Take a moment to watch it and enjoy!

Two days are never enough and we’re always left wanting just a bit more… That is why we have created some extra events so you can extend your stay in Porto for a couple more days. From the 17th to the 20th, you can choose between a master class with Chris Durban, a tour of the city, wine tasting at one of the many gorgeous Port wine cellars across the city and of course, the gala dinners and parties. On the 20th, we are offering you the chance to go for a 6 bridges Douro river cruise, an experience you just cannot miss! There’s too much to choose from and you can’t decide? Why not trying them all?

Visit the extra events page and don’t forget to register: http://www.aptrad.pt/conference/conference-extra-events.php


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Interlex Language Services

Interlex Language Services started in the Netherlands 13 years ago as a one-person, one- language operation. We now have a ‘family’ of over 100 translators who support us in more than 30 languages.  What makes us different from...




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