Formação – Webinars [deprecated]

Formação - Webinars

Os vídeos anteriormente disponíveis na The Alexandria Library encontram-se agora na eCPD, entidade com a qual formalizámos uma parceria benéfica para os nossos associados.

Para aceder à loja da APTRAD na eCPD e saber mais sobre os nossos webinars, clique aqui ou aceda a

Na nossa loja exclusiva, dispomos dos seguintes webinars:

Noções de Fiscalidade para Tradutores (webinar in Portuguese)

Como sabemos, o tradutor freelancer é responsável por uma ampla variedade de tarefas diárias. As questões fiscais e contabilísticas são talvez das mais específicas e que mais dúvidas suscitam entre os profissionais do setor. Já se interrogou se a contabilidade organizada é uma opção vantajosa? Já lhe surgiram dúvidas no preenchimento de um recibo para um cliente fora da UE? Conhece as suas obrigações declarativas? Participe nesta formação e esclareça as suas questões.


Preço: 30 £ (associados APTRAD) / 40 £ (não associados)

Formadora: Sandrine Alves
Bio: Jurista-linguista, licenciada em Direito pela Universidade de Paris X- Nanterre (França) e pela Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra. É tradutora de Inglês, Francês e Português para Francês e Português, desde 1999, principalmente na área de direito e jurídica.

Project Management for Freelance Translators (3-webinar mini-course in English)

Nowadays, freelance translators do much more than just translate. Even if you are working alone from your home office, you represent a business, with the responsibility of managing a wide variety of tasks and fields.
That’s why it is so important to effectively manage your translation projects in order to improve your business organisation, productivity and efficiency. Have you ever thought that you don’t necessarily have to work in an agency to be a translation project manager?
Take full control of your business and learn how project management tools and techniques can help you to meet the increasingly demanding requirements from your clients.


Preço: 60 £ (associados APTRAD) / 90 £ (não associados)

Trainers: Luísa Matos, Rui Sousa, Teresa Sousa

Luísa graduated in Specialised Translation, branch English/German by ISCAP (School of Accounting and Administration of Porto) and she is an English and German into Portuguese translator since 2001, being technical and medical her main fields of specialisation in translation. She is a co-founder of Mind Words® branding (, a founding member of APTRAD (Portuguese Association of Translators and Interpreters) and a member of IAPTI. Luísa has 12 years of experience as a project manager and as a trainer and speaker.

Rui graduated in Translation Studies in 2006 and he is a freelance translator working from English, Spanish and French into Portuguese. He has a wide experience as a project manager and also as a trainer and speaker in several conferences. He works essentially in IT/Computers, Technology, Marketing, Business, and Tourism areas. He is a co-founder of Mind Words® branding (, a founding member of APTRAD (Portuguese Association of Translators and Interpreters) and a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (IoL).

With a Master’s Degree in Translation Studies, Teresa currently works as a freelance translator from English/German into European Portuguese. She worked for 10 years as a project manager at a translation agency and is a current member of APTRAD (Portuguese Association of Translator and Interpreters). With a deep knowledge of market trends, responsive attitude and a reinforced commitment with client’s expectations, she combines strong project management skills with CAT-Tool proficiency, delivering high-quality standards under TAGS – Language Solutions branding ( She is certified as a Project Management Professional by the PMI.

Para mais informações sobre a eCPD e todos os seus cursos, visite o website em

Para informações sobre a política de cancelamentos da APTRAD, consulte o nosso website aqui: Política de Cancelamento de Inscrições